Alderlea Farm

Step into our world, and you'll discover that our approach to farming goes beyond the traditional. We believe that every aspect of our farm is interconnected and alive, and we strive to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the land. That's why we employ biodynamic practices, which involve working with the natural rhythms of the earth and the cosmos to nourish the soil, plants, and animals that call our farm home.

CSA Program

The Alderlea Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Veggie Box Program is taking a break for 2024!

The Farm to Table Restaurant is closed for the Season and will reopen March 2025

Biodynamic Farming.

With our commitment to biodynamic farming, we're proud to create a sustainable and regenerative ecosystem that produces healthy, vibrant crops and fosters a thriving community. Unlike conventional agriculture, we never rely on artificial pesticides or fertilizers that can harm the environment and compromise the quality of your food. Instead, we focus on cultivating a complete and balanced ecosystem that harmonizes with the natural properties of the landscape.

By encouraging a diverse mix of meadow, stream, and forest, we create a happy, healthy, and beautiful environment that is less susceptible to pests and disease. Our community-supported agriculture (CSA) program is designed to promote social and ecological sustainability, allowing you to take an active part in supporting the well-being of your family, the community, and the world. At Alderlea Farm, we're dedicated to regenerative and biodynamic sustainable practices that ensure an authentic and wholesome food experience.

Alderlea Farm might be ecologically independent, but it couldn’t produce the way it does if it wasn’t also deeply connected to the rhythms of the natural universe. The same patterns and dynamic tensions echo from the activities of the minutest cell to the wide swing of the planets. At Alderlea Farm, we harmonize the growing processes with processes in the wider environment. And judging by the quality of the produce the earth rewards us with here, she’s ecstatic about our attention to these affairs.

Unfortunately, much of the produce available at the supermarket is wrung out of exhausted, abused soil. But happily, biodynamic farming methods are like medicine that heals the soil. At Alderlea Farm we prepare eight biodynamic preparations. Sprayed on the fields or applied to the compost pile, they steer processes that nourish and revitalize the earth. In a way, it’s like the soil remembers how to be soil. There’s a kind of intelligence at work! The result is that plants have great material to build themselves with—and they pass that vital dynamism onto you.
